"... Parker said she had an existing autoimmune disease, advising the public not to get a COVID-19 vaccine if they have any such condition."

I have an autoimmune condition and in the fall of 2020, prior to the jab rollout and when little trial information was available, my two neurologists, including one from a major clinic, recommended I take the shot. Given the lack of knowledge, the bypassing of normal approval to processes, and the fact that trials did not include anyone with autoimmune conditions, I was appalled at the recommendation and so ignored the advice.

Prior to getting my condition under control, I had experienced symptoms similar to those described by Parker and there was no way I was going to risk aggravating my already dysfunctional immune system. Sadly, those injured by the COVID gene therapy will likely not find any relief. The medical community should be ashamed of itself and should publicly acknowledge culpability.

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My rheumatologist recommended the covid vax but wasn’t insistent, thank goodness, but I also asked them if they could guarantee my RA wouldn’t be affected. They don’t ask me about getting this vaccine anymore. My RA is in remission, even though the doctors don’t like to use that term and say my RA is not currently active, so I decided early on I would not jeopardize my health by taking a vaccine with mRNA spike proteins. I’ve been off all my RA medications and monthly shots for 5 years. No way am I ever getting jabbed. My older son kept pushing me to get vaxxed to be safe. I finally got rude in my response to him and he doesn’t bring it up anymore. He was only thinking of my health, but didn’t realize he was bamboozled thinking the vaccine was safe.

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Good for you. Too many parents are kowtowing to their kids these days.

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Thanks to Children's Health Defense for distributing this article. I have followed you since 2020 and we have been talking about these issues for a very long time. Of course MSM won't cover any of this huge multi-generational story or the totalitarianism which has mandated it.

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Anyone having issues should consider looking up Medical Medium protocols to work their way back to normal. There are vids, podcasts and books, lots of free info on his website or borrow his books from the library. No one needs to suffer.

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The medical system at the moment is appalling and disgusting. I have no faith in it whatsoever!

How they live themselves is beyond me.

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