They took a very smart, logical approach. America & so many other countries behaved like ignorant fools. I see foolish people still walking even outside, driving alone in their cars, with paper masks. Fearful and foolish.

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The Amish never had to worry because Covid never existed in the first place. It was just repackaged flu or any variation of mild or serious respiratory illness.

Read Jon Rappoport's seminal blog: The Pandemic Pattern--How the Illusion is Built. https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2021/09/08/pandemic-pattern-how-illusion-is-built/

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The disease was totally different. It was made in a lab after all.

It presented itself to the body differently.

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If viruses don't kill anyone how is something made in a lab going to do that? All the con men had to do was convince people of the IDEA of a deadly pathogen. Then just announce they found the "cure" in the form of their deadly jabs. Easy as pie! No need for something like gain of function. And by the way where is the evidence masses were killed by a virus made in a laboratory? Again they already have the killer mRNA injections! You've been watching too many sci-fi movies!

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“So, how did the Amish achieve herd immunity at such an accelerated pace?”

They didn’t. Herd immunity is a garbage concept based on the bigger garbage concept of the germ theory.

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Christine Massey's work in which no one was able to provide proof of an isolated SARS-Cov 2 sample should be a clue that the whole virus theory is a fraud.

But let's play by THEIR rules. Let's assume Covid IS real. By their own rules there was no "pandemic." That is because the PCR test does not measure their definition of infection (which is viral load).

All they have are "cases" based on computer simulations, over 99% of which are either asymptomatic or minor cases of flu. But they still say the elderly for example are vulnerable. Even though Pfauci himself said asymptomatic people do not spread disease. And of course, there's the fact of pre-existing conditions and environmental toxicity which is constantly minimized. This is the game they play. They want us to overlook these facts. It's called "gaslighting."

DR. GASLIGHT. A doctor causes his patient to question her own sanity. Listen to Turfseer’s new song. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/dr-gaslight

A song about the fraud of Virology. Listen to THE DISH. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-dish. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-dish

“Doctor” Fatty Arbuckle and his “patient” Buster Keaton join forces to remind us “Trust the Science.” Watch the hit music video TRUST THE SCIENCE RAG here: https://turfseer.substack.com/p/trust-the-science-rag

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Herd immunity is absolutely true.

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Regarding: "the bigger garbage concept of the germ theory".

This seems to suggest that you don't think that 'microorganisms can cause diseases'.

Does that mean that you refuse all antibiotic or antimicrobial or disinfectant measures?

What happens to food when it is regarded as spoiled?

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Where did this "wire report" come from? I can't find a single news article on the Amish and COVID on google news going back a full month, which of course helps to demonstrate the main point of your post.

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So what was the covid death % / age versus regular seasonal flu for the Amish community?

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Having recovered from Corona as it was called in early 2020 (vicinity of Wuhan residents) I was able to be in close unprotected contact with systematically sick (covid) people for years without issues.

In 2022 after moving to México the unvaccinated experienced a lot of hostility from non-Mexicans for NOT getting sick. In 2022 every 2-3× jabbed person I know got sick from covid and many were angry at those who didn't. The explanation that you didn't/couldn't get covid from people without covid would make angry sick covid vaccinated even more angry. Thankfully this was the minority of the jabbed, possibly because travel to México was prohibited or not recommended at the time.

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