As a lifelong prepper, the initial SARS-Cov-2 psy-op was directed at -US- in December 2019 to January 2020 because WE understand the risk of a -real- pandemic and how it will be spread. The earliest (fake) videos of people dropping dead in Wuhan were spread among the prepping community because we were also the most likely to push back (with 330 million guns) any power-grab. It was like "Yee, hah!" Here was the "see, I was right" event we'd been prepping for our entire lives.

By the time the ACTUAL lockdowns occurred in March of 2020, a lot of us had already begun to cry fowl because most of us ARE prepared for a REAL pandemic, but none of the media / government / health agencies actions made any sense. For example, Ivermectin was shown to be a safe and effective means to mitigate the spike protein as early as April of 2020, a mere few weeks after lockdowns, and most preppers had "horse wormer paste" on their shelves a few weeks later because we are already comfortable taking veterinary versions of common antibiotics to treat common illnesses.

So while a REAL pandemic would be terrible, the fact is, the covid-19 psy-op (and resulting skepticism now of Big Pharma and interest in alternative treatments) has, ironically, prepared an awful lot of "normies" what to do. The important thing is to self-educate, create a stockpile of basic needs and common life-saving medications, fiercely safeguard your freedom, but if symptoms sound plausible, err on the side of safety. In other words, common-sense health measures. Since you can't rely on the government to guide you, educate yourself.

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If "bird flu" (H5N1) does begin infecting people, it is my belief that the jabbed will be the majority who die. With their already compromised immune systems and the increased rate of certain diseases, an infection with "bird flu" (or other flu viruses) will be much more difficult for the jabbed to survive.

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They're using the PCR to test for "bird flu". They used the same for COVID so the fix is in.

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they have it ready to release and can't wait to do so.... billions dead

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After what I've seen of the American medical and science establishment considering COVID, transgenderism, abortion, and Joe Biden's obvious dementia, I don't trust any of them and I'm trying to avoid doctors & medical "professionals" as much as possible. Many illnesses can be successfully treated or stopped with diet, exercise, herbs, supplements.

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The bird flu is a load of crap they're peddling like COVID. They're trying to get more poisonous depopulation vaccines in stupid people's arms. You'd have to be stupid to take any more vaccines. Now they're saying they're finding bird flu in pasteurized milk, which is crazy. Even if they found something it could not possibly affect people as flu is a respiratory disease to goes through your mucous membranes like your nose, not in your gastric system. DON'T EVER BELIEVE THESE PEOPLE AGAIN ABOUT ANYTHING.

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They're trying to find out how many are still stupid and gullible enough to believe their BS.

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I can't get the "llike" function to work for some reason, but you're right. Anyone who willingly takes vaccines, esp mRNA or pandemic vaxes is just plain stupid. Stupidity is a far more fatal condition than any kind of flu. I think they also want to tie this into the FALL election hoping to cut down Trump's numbers.

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It's an election year.

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Kill all of the messengers quickly……….

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