"... considering the possibility that Biden could be replaced, it behooves President Trump to focus his attacks on Democrat policies."

Good advice but I'd say to take this tack even if Biden is the nominee, for a huge numher of his voters know that it is an unaccountable Leftist cabal - Obama & Co ? - who are running the show and that Joe is simply a figurehead. So point that out, too, and keep hammering it. Joe sits in the chair but he's not the chairman.

It's telling that those voters don't mind having a phony republic, but that's what we've come to. Half the country is post-constitutional in their beliefs.

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He DEFINITELY needs to go after the party, not just Biden. I honestly think he should flat out say that Biden is in no condition to be running the country, so the problems are much bigger than him. He could pivot from that by highlighting how America’s problems used to be just Blue State problems. High prices, high crime, illegal immigration etc used to be just a CA and NY problem.

Linking all of America’s problems to the Democratic Party is KEY, that way they can’t just swap Biden out and frame the whole issue as Biden’s.

Because we all know, if Michelle or Newsom were in charge, nothing would change.

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Dems will be trying to balance amping Joe up to get through a 90-minute, evening debate without causing him to go “toes up”.

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If 'presidential' is what Joe Biden is, then 'presidential' means putting on a show to hide the underlying personality disorders and pretending not to be evil. I certainly don't want that. President Trump is called a liar by many, but that is wrong. He is the most honest person that I've ever seen running for office. You know what you are going to get, and he has 4 years of verifiable success (even while fighting the overwhelming swamp). It would be laughable if it were not so sad that Biden and Harris are where they are now. Come on America - we can do better.

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