Personal profits and they wish to kill us, all.

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Profits are secondary to people that own the printing presses that print the money.

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they wish to kill us, all.

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Yes. And to understand who "they" is, read "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion". Or any number of disgusting quotes from prominent Jews, like Abe Foxman and Rabbi Ovadia Yosef.

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They actually thought their fake vaccine would kill everyone. What else can they do but lie, they all deserve to die; and they know it.

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This is also a military matter. Genocide is prosecuted by them. Treason is prosecuted by them. Government officials with security clearances have no rights under the UCMJ. Not even the freedom of speech or any appeals. They have to prove their innocence, the military does not have to prove their guilt. Those are the rules, I have a security clearance and they drilled it in our heads. That's another thing, once you have a clearance, you have it for life. They don't just hand these things out, and the secrets act applies until your last breath.

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Um, because the JEWS own big pharma and the JEWS own the news media and the JEWS run the government, and JD just can't bring himself to say it.

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Yes, you're getting close.

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And, by matter of fact, what will get your comment banned or you booted from MOST websites? Talking 95% or better?

Talk about lying Jews. There's nothing quicker to trigger an AI auto-censor than the word "Jew".

Talk about "This Jew runs Disney now"...click...delete....

Talk about the Jew that ruined Sears....click...delete...

You can talk about anything else.

You can talk about "white Christians nationalists".

You can talk about "Nazis".

You can talk about "Fascists".

You can talk about honkies, crackers, colonizers, wops, greasers, niggers, faggots, Irish, Catholics, Muslims, or Eskimos.

But the second you mention JEW being enough in most places to get you censored or banned outright is enough for me to know just how close I really am.

I'm dropping bombs right on target.

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I looked up Jews who run major corporation on Wikipedia and the list was too long to even read.

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It's not "close" to say that nearly every bloodline at the top of some pyramid of debauchery is Jewish. From the Rothschilds to the hook nose Rabbi that owns "PornHub". It's in fact right on the money.

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Well you might be right but I put it right in Ben Shapiro's face at the Daily Caller and managed to shut down all their blogs and they're still shut down. They were stupid enough to run an article on the deity of the Jews. I let them have it with both barrels. And somebody noticed. And as you're well aware, my position cannot be argued. Ben never told me what tribe he was from. Big surprise there. I called him a fraud, he is a fraud. Well, that rattled the rafters. And yes, it was me. The Jews can't help themselves and read their own press. Especially a guy like Ben Shapiro who always must have the last word. Usually the two don't meet. I even insulted his beanie. That single event made all these years doing this worth it. Google? YouTube? Their day will come. That'll be really tough for a search engine to have to hide from the public. The Daily Caller was permanently off the blogosphere within two minutes. That's how fast it happens. But it means nothing; 75% of America still lost their critical thinking skills and took the vax. What have we become? What have people like Ben Shapiro done to us?

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When they snuck in things like the 17th amendment, the federal reserve act (it took them 6 months to get us in WW1 after they got the federal reserve) and we didn't go to war, we lost. Our problem is that we're overall too damn good and that we can't imagine doing the things to a Jew that would make a Jew giggle with delight and rub his little fingertips together. They will shoot their poisonous "vaccine" bullshit right in our children and watch them die with delight and legal immunity. But for some reason we can't seem to find it in ourselves to pick up the gun and do what needs to be done.

Honestly? A big part of the problem? Is nobody with an actual VOICE will speak the J-word. People like JD here? It's wonderful that he allows this discourse, where others would shut it down. I will at least give him that much credit.

But for the love of God and all that's holy, he would serve the will of Jesus Christ himself if he would just speak the J word. If he would just find the courage to weather the storm that would inevitably follow...I could even recommend a good book for him to read. "The Jewish Onslaught" by professor Tony S. Martin, details what occurred when he began to teach college-level courses that included the books "The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews" (Vol. 1-4), which tell in great detail the truth about the Jewish role in the African / Trans-Atlantic slave trade.

I own the book, and while I don't agree with professor Martin on every issue, he does make it quite clear what happens when you tangle with the Jews. The character attacks, the attempts to get him fired, ect.

Like, I get it why some folks with a voice won't say the "J" word. They want to KEEP that voice, and they're afraid to lose it if they dare tread where others fear. But we're going to lose it ALL if we can't get ONE GUY to stand up and find the BALLS to call out the JEWS for being behind EVERYTHING.

CONVID. Antifa. BLM. LGBTQ. Control of the banks, governments, media, schools, pharma, communism, feminism, you name it. SOOOO many are completely in the dark about the truth of the Jew menace. If only one guy...ONE GUY...would stand up in, say, congress, and be like..."Ahem...excuse me...what's with all the Jews?"

I mean, what kind of "government" do we actually HAVE when our senate and house of representatives (like there's any difference) sign pledges of allegiance to "Israel"? And it's not even the REAL ISREAEL????? HELLO? It's like...wtf? When do we find a guy with some balls?

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I don't know if you've been following the news but Ben Shapiro is being run out of all the schools. Even as a spectator. He's been taking half an Army everywhere he goes. And today he had to explain the Army. The arrogant little shit. I think this is hysterical. Bill Maher is being called out as well. There is hope.

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Not if you're following the "news", there isn't.

Tell me when they're all dead. That'd be news.

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JD, my sympathies to you. You have attracted some classless, hateful schmucks to your comments section. Could it be that you are not a white anglo-saxon that these scum have chosen to soil your good work? These jerks do not deserve a voice. Come to think of it, they do not deserve to breathe.

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The Jew is expert at making bad things sound good. The "father of public relations" was, after all, a Jew. Just like Edward Bernays had American women lighting "torches of freedom", so to does this Jew want us to think it's a "FreedomFighter".

Thing is, I know Jew-speak. I know about word inversion and meaning inversion and all that kind of Kabbalah black magic. When it says "FreedomFighter", it means it's fighting AGAINST FREEDOM.

See, I know all about you, Chaim Goldberg.

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When your buddies in the military gave you all those shots for your health, they forget to tell you that they were all poison. Obviously, some of it has destroyed your brain, putz.

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See how it says absolutely nothing at all?

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Yes Putz, a Yiddish term. Indeed, over the years they've called me names I couldn't of even imagined. LOL. Insult and run is their MO. Especially on the Pro Life boards. Wow. They are the Democrat Party and easily spout garbage here they would never dare say to your face. That's a Jew if I ever heard of one. They pride themselves on stabbing their own parents in the back and I've seen it. I grew up with these people and had to do business with them. Almost every day. Donald Trump turned into one. He's pro Red Laws, pro abortion, pro gay marriage, pro Bud Lite, Pro tyrannies in beauty competitions and women's sports, and I don't know one Christian who is in favor of ANY of that. And despite all that, he even claims he's SENT FROM GOD! Just like the Jews say. Some of these peoples offices, you could even feel the evil in the room. Was it so nice when Obama retired my entire industry, and I didn't even know it. I certainly don't miss it. Not dealing with Jews any longer is the best part. It was almost impossible to stay ahead of them because they all work together. That's how 2% of the population can buy an entire country. This also happened to the Germans and that's why they tried to kill them all. 1.6% of the population stole an entire country in their case. You had to know there was a reason for the "final solution," right? Did you EVER think to ask "the final solution of what?" The Jews destroyed Germany and it's never recovered. Religion is almost gone. And the Catholics don't help. They want you praying to dead sinners and that's all the "Saints" are. They're so quick to dump Jesus for any other thing. Even prayer.

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Freedom Fighter huh? WHAT HAVE YOU EVER DONE? I served in the Military with a secret security clearance and and certainly don't have to answer to you.

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I also served (Navy) and I also had a security clearance as part of my job.

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Check this story out, you many have something to say: https://www.informationliberation.com/?id=64500

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Jews run the government.

It's all I've been saying.

Too bad JD doesn't have the raw guts to mention it.

Please, God, give us someone with some testicular manhood.

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imagine being proud to be a trusted tool of the genocidal tool of the globalist banker dictators that control the DOD.

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Drugs much?

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Calling people that tell the truth "hateful" makes you sound like a Jew.

Only people that hate the truth call the truth "hate".

Maybe if you actually read the Bible...

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Are you referring to the hateful Koran? The Moslems will be burning your Bible. Do you have your prayer rugs already?

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So you're not a very bright Jew then. Funny, I thought most of you could at least read.

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JJ Couey brings the goods..... he has been saying this for years.... the meddlers are after him...... he brings the receipts.....

Red Pill Expo STUDY HALL -- (18 June 2024) -- Gigaohm Biological High Resistance Low Noise Information Brief twitch.tv/videos/2175381494 #truthovertribe

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