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Mar 6, 2022
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Yes, sadly true. Having been someone who questioned the need for any px intervention for a health issue has been a long time passion of mine. So watching and waiting on this one was a continuation of that mindset. But those who, regardless of party affiliation, lean towards the mainstream medical convention of indiscriminate antibiotics, annual shots, scopes, scans and overall deferral of healthcare to others just cannot cultivate a questioning mindset in this landscape of indoctrination. And at this point I have had to accept that that is reality and they have the freedom to make their choice. I will respect it and have chosen to not scare them with what their future will most likely be. I remember hearing a very long time ago about how they used to not share the terminal cancer diagnosis with the patient and thought this to be abhorrent. Now I can see the beauty in it. Ignorance may not be bliss but if it can’t to ‘undone’ what’s the point of me adding to their fear load. Just means I carry a low level of sadness at times and try to spend quality time with those who will still be willing to cross that divide. I think their reality shifting is the only way for them to see, if they even ever do. And I’ve made peace with that and if ever asked will share what I know. But you know what they say about unasked for advice…

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here is their play book - https://jhsphcenterforhealthsecurity.s3.amazonaws.com/spars-pandemic-scenario.pdf?fbclid=IwAR16i7bFn0LutLsNRh2P5UN8jpmr5WAryeZNZSTwxZWYukMCd93aRUJGZHg

Thank you for your words, I am just coming to realise my best efforts to stop my adult children getting their 3rd jab has failed. They 'scarily' treat me like I'm completely insane...and I'm actually concerned they might actually take some type of medical intervention out against me, and have me forcefully vaxxed. I have left them to their own path now. They both now get sick so often and are constantly fatigued. They are young and their lives should be full of vigour and vim. I am beyond sad. I am grateful for a place to vent my sorrow as it is deep beyond the abyss.

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Cherrie, I hear how painful this is. What has helped me find acceptance around their choices is the knowing that they have a higher power, and I can’t truly know what is best for them. I can only know what’s best for me. And yes, it’s very helpful to have folks who ‘get it.’ They are few and far between but so relieving when it happens. My kids have made the same choice and I love them all the same, and them me. We don’t talk about it and we ground our time together in joy and love when possible. Steering clear of said topic is how I do it. I wish you strength and love for your journey as well.

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