You summed it up. “ We know how this works. Tests to create the “problem”, vaccines to “solve” the “problem”. Both of them result in vast amounts of public money disappearing into bottomless private pockets.”

Power & greed with no remorse and no one helped.

Ban anal sex to stop spread—like that would ever happen (the ban which would be unenforceable and the stopping which would never happen even with chance of getting monkeypox).

So power/control and more greed wins.

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“men who have sex with men": Shouldn't that read "people who identify as male who have sex with people who identify as male"?

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Good news / bad news depending on how you frame it.

Good - more truth.

Bad - bad for the narrative.

Dr. Robert Malone posted a bit ago along with other.


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Thank you for the link! All should read.

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