The terrified begged their masters to keep them safe. The masters gave them safe, and effective. When the terrified started dying the masters said "We gave you exactly what you asked for. You did not ask for any proof."

More here; https://truthaddict.substack.com/p/the-psychological-war-in-your-mind

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There is a nagging concern in the worst case scenario. If every single jab victim has the potential of undiagnosed myocarditis from these needle rapes, and the diagnosis of myocarditis has a 5 year estimated survival rate, billons of souls will be lost by 2030. This has always been a cull.

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I seriously doubt any life was saved by these gene therapy jabs falsely called a vaccine. The amount of harm will be enormous, as these jabs continue to do unknown long-term damage. Parents who wanted to vaccinate their children with these jabs knowing that there was no long-term data boggle my mind to understand why. Just because CDC says it’s safe? 🤦‍♀️

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Feb 5·edited Feb 5

But, but, but Prime Minister Rishi Sunac just emphatically told Parliament that the jabs are safe and effective!

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That, after all the harms his own people of the UK have suffered and so much other research..thousands of peer reviewed papers that disprove his claims..has to be one of the most evil claims provided to a nation struggling to recover...


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