Myocarditis, blood clots, cancer, infertility, autoimmune disease and quite possibly prion disease. I feel strongly the prion disease is a huge part of their intentions to cull our population. In fact, I came across some interesting research that led me to conclude it was intentional. If true, in 2-5 years Americans will be witnessing hell on earth.

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We need to push to get some kind of care system, I can tell my ex partner is having eye issues that are recurring, and I am hearing about blindness occuring post jab. Also to push to lower the retirement age as 62 is now a joke, I am 58 and probably wont see any of my contribution returned. At the very least we need to consider diverting our tax monies to a secure account before we continue to fund our own demise. Let them come after 30 million people one by one as their IRS OFFICERS drop from their jabs.

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I hear you 100% … they plan to arm all those new IRS officers well. Diverting is a smart idea , they have zero right to siphon off us. There is a protocol for post jab, you can find it here https://covid19criticalcare.com/treatment-protocols/i-recover/

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Well said and I completely agree! The CCP has gotten many Americans to help them in their plan. The genocidal bioweapons were actually made in the US at UNC Chapel Hill. We have enemies within the US helping the CCP to kill millions of Americans!

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Oct 28, 2022·edited Oct 28, 2022

"In this speech, he talks about specific biological weapons that can target specific races."

Much of the DNA data collected by companies that say their aim is to supply you with information about one's ancestry finds it's way into CCP hands.

It's also interesting to note that the weapon of concern in the latest Bond film was a virus that attacks general genetically distinct people.

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Biden’s picks to lead our armed forces, as usual the worse candidates or officers in this regard, are so focused on injecting our military beyond what’s constitutional (EUA vaccines are not permitted but still being required). Milley contacted China after election and now wants to understand ‘white rage’ (what a crock) and overweight Austin with his mask and shield parading around (what an embarrassment.)

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Usurper Biden is probably too senile even to know what's going on. Traitor Milley, however, knows exactly what he's doing...

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I actually theorized this back when they were using sinovac and not a single mrna vaccine. I would still add that China's zero covid policy is based on things they know the rest of the world does not know about. That floating chimeric AIDS virus (or nanotech) will cause long term issues as well.

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I suspect China' "Zero Covid" policy is a thin smokescreen to hide domestic genocide. If it looks like a Nazi concentration camp, walks like a Nazi concentration camp, and quacks like a Nazi concentration camp - well, you know what it probably is...

But that domestic genocide is by no means incompatible with trying to wipe out China's great rival/enemy, the United States. Imagine China with 50% fewer Chinese alive; and 50% of that remnant sent to colonize Australia and the United States... it's easy to see how that could be a prosperous future for those Chinese who survive the new holocaust.

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Contact health ranger on Brighteon.com He recently did an online nterview with a researcher who had documented proof from research about who owns all the big pharma companies - all goes back to China it’s one big eye opener

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