They continue to cull the herd. First the virus 🦠 , now the environment, and you can bet they have something else up their sleeves if enough of us aren’t killed off or easily controlled. Maybe another war.
Now we find ourselves in a world of zombies, mention the word vaccine and their eyes glaze over, the fight or flight response is triggered. They bolt or attack, blind to reason. Once their blood lust is satisfied the zombies retreat to the safety of the herd. A place with no questions and unchallenged beliefs they wallow in their ignorance.
They continue to cull the herd. First the virus 🦠 , now the environment, and you can bet they have something else up their sleeves if enough of us aren’t killed off or easily controlled. Maybe another war.
Now we find ourselves in a world of zombies, mention the word vaccine and their eyes glaze over, the fight or flight response is triggered. They bolt or attack, blind to reason. Once their blood lust is satisfied the zombies retreat to the safety of the herd. A place with no questions and unchallenged beliefs they wallow in their ignorance.
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