Good to see some skeptics in this crowd of frightened yes men and women.

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Paul Offit would like us to believe there is a playbook to follow when it comes to vaccine safety. His playbook is still pretty awful. But for the current crop of pharmaceutical companies, there is no playbook at all!

Hubris infects the medical profession. New Substack release. Watch MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY DISEASE. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/my-way-or-the-highway-disease

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We know that the boosters are worthless. He did not go so far as to say they are more harmful. To me it sounds like they are more harmful. There is enough evidence that Pfizer and Modurna need to stop pushing the jabs. They need to be held accountable!

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Finally some reasoning brought forth. Indeed these boosters are of no value, but sadly he didn’t go far enough and include that these boosters also cause great harm. I guess a little resistance and skepticism is better than nothing. If these ‘experts’ keep speaking up, maybe Pfizer’s big plans for the covid annual ‘flu’ shot will tank along with all their planned government funded refunds for each unnecessary harmful injection.

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I give him credit for publicly warning Medscape readers in summer 2020 that these Warp Speed injections were likely to destroy confidence in all vaccines by parents and patients. I wrote about it then, in a chapter in my Pandemic Panic collection.

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