I don't care for John Legend - but all the same - there are many in the music industry who were affected by the mainstream media and corporate views. Having a high IQ, being aware of corporatism as a political force and being a natural born skeptic don't necessarily go along with being an artist. I know many who have been damaged. I am disappointed in them maybe but it is up to us to realize they and their families have been injured. We cannot all be SubStack writers and informed.

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Feb 16, 2023·edited Feb 16, 2023

People who NEED affirmation from others will sell their soul to gain ANY platform they can to gain public “face time.” It’s a disease among many as we know from TikTok and Fakebook.

And we all know right from wrong and can do the Maths as to why a company is willing to pay millions to promote their snake oil. Just look at the past payouts and track history of big pharma and you will see EVIDENCE of lies, harms, and misrepresentations.

Pfizer paid out billions the last time for its lies! Why believe them now?

Leopards don’t change their spots.

And these so called disa”STARS” should allow their good conscience, to turn on .

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Wait to see- will Legends kids will be sterilized by the jabs?, that is, if they live that long? No legend for Legend, his genes the end of the line for him now, by all available evidence. For most of the jabbed, a highly successful jabocide.

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I, along with many others, don’t take medical or health advice from a celebrity who is paid big bucks to recite their line. Actually, when a vaccine or medication needs a celebrity to push the narrative, it’s a clear signal it doesn’t work as promoted. Word of mouth by patients would work, not some highly paid celebrity. I hope Pfizer starts losing big time and if ever allowed to hold accountable, hope the fines bankrupt them.

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When judgement day comes, Legend and others taking money and or promoting dangerous drugs, they will get the same treatment of all the others involved in this mass deception. Top to bottom they are damning their souls.

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Disgusting PRC(peoples republic of Cali) still running ads for vax and booster🤮🍊🇺🇸

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An even bigger pop idol who has disgraced herself. Listen to Turfseer's hit song GAGA'S GONE.


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If I were a Nuremberg2 prosecutor, I'd be looking at these celebs

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The Dude, Big Lebowski, really sunk in doing same.

I thought he was a cool dude.

Propaganda is POWERFUL.

Believe in me, I'm with the High Command:


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