Since when do darwinists, and the 'people of science' reference God. These folks seem to follow the god of their making, the god of this world, the god of world gov, not the living God. Gods word could not be any clearer about about this, and about individual freedom and freedom of choice in this life, ie humbly follow the God of love, truth, mercy, grace or follow the hater of all that is good. So they chose darkness, evil, and their own understanding. Such char
latans (quack, fraud, imposter, cheat, pretender) appear to know little of our God, and so mock him, but also are created in his image so I am asked to pray for them. Thats grace.
The truth will set you free.
Anyway, no laced, false, pretend vaccines for this sinner.
Not, that they don't fear repercussions from the masses. They don't give a rats about us. Their comments go to show you that they just taunt us, because they think they are in control.
Let's hope that, We The People, can have the guts to show the Leftists/Commies/NWO or
whatever you call them they ARE NOT and NEVER will be in CONTROL. Because, if we don't, we won't BE (Exist).
The evidence of massive vaccine harm is so overwhelming that these evil people have no excuse any more. Their willing and active complicity in the ruin of thousands upon thousands of lives, and worse and by extension, the impending ruin of Western civilization, is inarguable.
Since when do darwinists, and the 'people of science' reference God. These folks seem to follow the god of their making, the god of this world, the god of world gov, not the living God. Gods word could not be any clearer about about this, and about individual freedom and freedom of choice in this life, ie humbly follow the God of love, truth, mercy, grace or follow the hater of all that is good. So they chose darkness, evil, and their own understanding. Such char
latans (quack, fraud, imposter, cheat, pretender) appear to know little of our God, and so mock him, but also are created in his image so I am asked to pray for them. Thats grace.
The truth will set you free.
Anyway, no laced, false, pretend vaccines for this sinner.
Not, that they don't fear repercussions from the masses. They don't give a rats about us. Their comments go to show you that they just taunt us, because they think they are in control.
Let's hope that, We The People, can have the guts to show the Leftists/Commies/NWO or
whatever you call them they ARE NOT and NEVER will be in CONTROL. Because, if we don't, we won't BE (Exist).
Thank you for all your hard work getting this info out.
Excellent work JD!
No covid jab for me ever and now no more flu shots. I’ve been fully awakened to their false vaccines and never again.
Biden has declared "there's a new church in town." Watch CHURCH OF THE PANDEMIC MIND on Youtube:
Fight medical tyranny. Share Turfseer's music videos.
“Doctor” Fatty Arbuckle and Buster Keaton join forces to remind us “Trust the Science”
The “virus” is claimed to have invaded a town in the old west and soon worshipped as a new idol among the populace
The mainstream Covid narrative is compared to the Salem Witchcraft trials
Aliens take over peoples’ bodies and turn them into mask-wearing zombies
The people graduate “with honors” at mass conformity Sheeple University
Welcome to internment camps for the unvaccinated
The anthem of the anti-lockdown movement
Free song and music video downloads from Turfseer's Forever Freedom song collection at
Makes a lot more sense when you realize his god is big Pharma
The evidence of massive vaccine harm is so overwhelming that these evil people have no excuse any more. Their willing and active complicity in the ruin of thousands upon thousands of lives, and worse and by extension, the impending ruin of Western civilization, is inarguable.
No jabs for my wife and I. Won't be getting any in the future. These evil people that do not believe, will face a righteous God and know true justice.